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Welcome to Liz Dougall Health & Fitness

Welcome to my online Pilates studio. I'm really excited to be able to bring my business into the virtual world for you to enjoy anytime, anywhere. Jump over to the Plans and Pricing page to sign up.


My love for Pilates started after years of struggling with lower back pain. The core strength and full body mobility I gained from Pilates meant this would became my go-to exercise class. I left my corporate job, retrained and launched my own fitness and well-being business back in 2016. My vision is simple: to support everyone to be the best they can, with balance, flexibility, core strength and well-being. Whether you're training for a specific goal, recovering from an injury, illness or you just want a strong, toned body I have a programme for you. Whatever your age and ability. 


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Liz Dougall

- Wife and Mum

- Keen paddle boarder & Nordic walker 

- Level 3 Mat Pilates Instructor

- Level 4 Cancer & Exercise Rehabilitation

- Barre, Spine Safe, Trigger Point Pilates specialist

- REPs member, Fitpro liability insurance 

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